Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) is a framework for coordinating multiple systems, services, and supports that are person-centered and designed to readily adjust to meet the individual’s needs and chosen pathway to recovery.

ROSC represents a paradigm shift away from crisis-oriented, deficit-focused, and professionally directed models of care towards a chronic care approach. Addiction treatment is no longer the sole focus but rather an important piece in a coordinated network of person-centered services and supports.

ROSC is not a single organization but rather an ecosystem of formal and informal services aimed at preventing addiction and sustaining long-term recovery.

In 2005, a National Summit on Recovery was held to develop ideas to transform policy, services, and systems that provide a recovery-oriented response for family members, as well as the persons seeking recovery. The recovery-oriented system of care (ROSC) framework was defined as

“a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that is person-centered and builds on the strengths and resiliencies of individuals, families, and communities to achieve abstinence and improved health, wellness, and quality of life for those with or at risk of alcohol and drug problems.”

The elements of recovery-oriented systems of care and services were defined as:

  • Person-centered
  • Inclusive of family and other ally involvement
  • Individualized and comprehensive services across the lifespan
  • Systems anchored in the community
  • Continuity of care
  • Partnership-consultant relationships
  • Strength-based
  • Culturally responsive
  • Responsiveness to personal belief systems
  • Commitment to peer recovery support services
  • Inclusion of the voices and experiences of recovering individuals and their families
  • Integrated services
  • System-wide education and training
  • Ongoing monitoring and outreach
  • Outcomes driven
  • Research-based
  • Adequately and flexibly financed

ROSC’s Underlying Values

  • Person-centered – services and supports are centered around the needs, preferences, and strengths of individuals.
  • Self-directed – Encourages and supports individuals exercising the greatest level of choice in options and responsibility for their recovery.
  • Strength-based approach – Builds upon the assets, strengths, resources, and resiliency of individuals, family, and community rather than emphasizing the needs, deficits, and pathologies.
  • Family participation – Whenever appropriate, incorporate “family,” as defined by the individual, in the recovery planning or support process. It acknowledges that family members play an important role and may have their own needs for supports or services.



Course Syllabus

  • ROSC